
Ways You Can Feel More Beautiful

Beauty is all about perception. It is a term that refers to a physical attribute of a person, place, thing, or idea. Throughout the ages, perception of the beauty of the female human form has changed to follow societal inclinations. There is truth to the statement that beauty if only skin deep, for beauty again is only the physical perception of a human being.

Create the illusion of less deep-set eyes by using lightly colored eyeshadow to the entire eyelid. The light colors will appear to come forward, whereas a darker liner or shadow would have the reverse affect, making the eyes appear to recede further into the face. The color you apply should be light and very subtle.

If you’re in between hair dresser appointments, and need to hide some roots, use dark mascara on black or brunette hair and gold eye shadow on blond hair! Nobody is perfect and if you’ve scheduled your hair salon appointment too far in advance to save your roots from showing, brush them lightly with appropriately colored mascara or combine hair spray and blond shades of powder to conceal those roots until you can see your stylist!

If you have your favorite perfume that you wish you could have the lotion to match, but just don’t want to have to pay the price for it, then make your own. All you need do is add a few drops of your favorite fragrance into any lotion that is scent-free. You can then rub it in and enjoy the resulting scent for the rest of your day.

Always remember to take the time to remove your makeup before bedtime and wash your face. You need to ensure that your skin is clean before you sleep for an extended period of time so that you do not clog your pores which will result in blemishes that you could have prevented in the first place.

If you are taking over-the-counter decongestants and cold medicines, you should also pick up some skin cream and hair products that contain shea butter. Whipped shea butter is especially moisturizing and is easily absorbed by even the dryest hair and skin. Massage shea products into your skin or hair, then cover with a warm towel for ten minutes before rinsing off the excess.

Moisturize your skin. Moisturizing your skin with lotion, moisturizer and oils keeps it supple and young-looking. The environment can wreak havoc on skin, especially in the colder climates and seasons. Skin can be dry and dull, but moisturizing nourishes and brightens skin as well as protects it from the elements.

To boost your hair’s shine when you wash it in the sink or shower, give it a final rinse under really cold water, if you can stand it. The cold water helps to seal the hair’s cuticle, making your tresses look smoother, shinier, and less frizzy than rinsing with hot water.

Everyone’s perception of beauty is different. Where one person finds beauty in frozen lakes and snow-capped mountains, another can find beauty in the barren and stark landscape of the desert. Where one woman finds chest hair on men beautiful, another may find beauty in a shaved skull. Beauty is all about the person who perceives the beauty.

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